"They said that Jose was born with a ring of dirt around his neck, with grime under his fingernails, and skin calloused form the grainy twist of a shovel"

What kind of literary device is this?

Is it possibly this?


The literary device used in the given sentence is imagery.

Imagery is a literary technique that uses vivid and descriptive language to create sensory experiences for the reader. It appeals to the senses such as sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell, allowing the reader to visualize and experience the scene or character being described.

In the sentence, the author uses visual and tactile imagery to paint a detailed picture of Jose's appearance. The description of a ring of dirt around his neck, grime under his fingernails, and calloused skin from using a shovel creates a vivid sensory image of Jose's physical features, emphasizing his hardworking and laborious nature.