-4x^4 x^1/2+(-7/(x^2 x^1/2))

To simplify the expression -4x^4 * x^(1/2) + (-7/(x^2 * x^(1/2)), we can apply the rules of exponents and multiplication of like terms.

1. Multiply the coefficients: -4 * -7 = 28.

2. For the first term, -4x^4 * x^(1/2), we can add the exponents since we are multiplying the same base (x). x^4 * x^(1/2) = x^(4 + 1/2) = x^(9/2).

3. For the second term, (-7/(x^2 * x^(1/2))), we can simplify the denominator using the rule x^a * x^b = x^(a + b). x^2 * x^(1/2) = x^(2 + 1/2) = x^(5/2). Therefore, the expression becomes -7/x^(5/2).

Putting it all together, the simplified expression is:

28x^(9/2) - 7/x^(5/2)