Name the literary element in each quotation.Defend your answer using the definition of the element.

1-"A sudden little river crossed my path/As unexpected as a serpent comes"
"Childe roland to the Dark Tower Came"

2-"if i promised,i believe/i should fret to break chain"
"Promises Like Pie-Crust"

3-"Oh Gwendolyn is as right as a trivet"
The Importance of Being Earnest

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Please post what you think.

i'm take british lit in the american academy too...

this is what i think the answers are

1 simile (use of the word as/like)
2 repetition(repeats the word I)
3 also a simile (compares Gwedolyn to a trivet and use of the word "as")

hope this helps, good luck

1- In the first quotation, the literary element is a simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things using the words "like" or "as." In this case, the speaker compares the sudden little river to the unexpected appearance of a serpent. The comparison helps to create a vivid and dramatic image in the reader's mind, emphasizing the surprise and suddenness of the river's appearance.

2- In the second quotation, the literary element is a metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech that implies a comparison between two things without using "like" or "as." In this case, the speaker likens the act of breaking a promise to fretting against being confined or restrained by chains. The metaphor adds emotional depth and conveys the idea that breaking a promise would be emotionally burdensome for the speaker.

3- In the third quotation, the literary element is a simile. Like in the first quotation, a simile is used to compare Gwendolyn's correctness or accuracy to that of a trivet. A trivet is a small metal stand used to hold hot pans or dishes. By comparing Gwendolyn's righteousness to a sturdy and dependable object like a trivet, the speaker emphasizes her steadfastness and reliability.

By identifying and defending these literary elements using their respective definitions, we can better understand how they contribute to the overall meaning and impact of the quoted lines in each piece of literature.