what a person should when it rains

Cover up

Coincide. A pun on go inside

When it rains, there are several things a person can do to make the most of the situation. Here are some suggestions:

1. Stay indoors: If possible, find shelter in your home, workplace, or any other covered area to keep yourself dry and avoid getting wet.

2. Get creative indoors: Use the rainy day as an opportunity to engage in activities that are enjoyable indoors. You could read a book, watch a movie, do some indoor exercises, or indulge in a hobby like painting, cooking, or playing a musical instrument.

3. Plan indoor activities: If you have kids or family members at home, plan activities to keep them entertained. This could include board games, puzzles, arts and crafts, or baking.

4. Enjoy leisure time: Take advantage of the rain to relax and recharge. You could take a nap, meditate, listen to music, or simply enjoy a cup of hot tea or coffee.

5. Take care of household chores: Rainy days can be a perfect time to catch up on household chores. You can organize your wardrobe, clean the house, declutter, or sort through paperwork.

6. Embrace the rain: If you enjoy being outside or want to experience the rain, you can still do so with proper preparation. Wear appropriate rain gear, such as a raincoat or umbrella, and go for a walk, run, or explore nearby indoor attractions like museums or shopping malls.

Remember, while it's important to stay dry during rain, use your judgment and consider safety precautions if the weather conditions are severe.