In "A White Heron," how does Sarah Jewett portray Sylvia's attitude about money

Here are a number of sites on that book.

If you have read the story, you should be able to state what the character's attitude about money is. Once you have clarified that in your mind, then you can go back into the story and find the places where the author lets you know what her attitude is.

Please repost when you have a draft of your response.

To determine how Sarah Jewett portrays Sylvia's attitude about money in "A White Heron," we need to analyze the text and look for specific details or descriptions that shed light on Sylvia's thoughts, actions, and beliefs regarding money. Here's how you can approach this:

1. Read the story: Familiarize yourself with the entire story, "A White Heron," by Sarah Jewett. Pay close attention to the interactions and conversations involving Sylvia and any references to money.

2. Look for Sylvia's thoughts and opinions: Analyze Sylvia's inner thoughts and opinions regarding money. Pay attention to any internal monologues or dialogues she has with others. These moments may reveal her attitude towards money directly.

3. Observe Sylvia's actions: Examine Sylvia's actions throughout the story with respect to money. Look for instances where she interacts with money or is faced with economic decisions. Consider how these actions reflect her stance on money.

4. Analyze Sylvia's dialogues: Focus on Sylvia's dialogues with other characters, especially those discussing money or related topics. Identify how she responds to discussions about wealth, possessions, or materialism.

5. Consider the author's description and tone: Analyze Sarah Jewett's portrayal of Sylvia's attitude indirectly through the author's descriptions, tone, and use of imagery. Look for any contextual clues or symbols that could indicate Sylvia's view on money.

6. Synthesize your findings: Based on all the evidence gathered, synthesize your observations and draw conclusions about Sylvia's attitude towards money. Use specific quotes or examples from the text to support your analysis.

Remember, the process of understanding a character's attitudes or beliefs involves analyzing the story as a whole and focusing on specific textual clues. Taking this approach will enable you to provide a thorough response on how Sarah Jewett portrays Sylvia's attitude about money in "A White Heron."