Q: When do you have a baby shower to cerebrate the pregnancy of your friend?

It depends. Generally, absent of other issues, the shower is in the last trimester. But a lot of factors can change. Most women wait until the third trimester, as it is safe to assume the baby will make a safe arrival. Nothing disheartens a mom/dad more than to have a baby shower, lose the baby, then stare at all those baby things.


a week or 5 days before the birth of the child

To determine when to have a baby shower to celebrate the pregnancy of your friend, it's important to consider a few factors:

1. Pregnancy stage: Baby showers are usually held towards the end of the second trimester or during the third trimester of the pregnancy. This timing allows for the expectant mother to feel comfortable attending and reduces the risk of complications that can occur earlier in the pregnancy.

2. Availability: Coordinate with the expectant mother's schedule and availability. Ensure that the chosen date works well for her and any other important individuals involved, such as close family members and friends.

3. Planning time: Make sure you have enough time to plan and organize the baby shower. Typically, it is recommended to start planning the event around two to three months in advance.

4. Cultural and personal preferences: Consider any cultural or personal preferences of the expectant mother. Some cultures have specific customs and traditions associated with baby showers which may influence the timing and format of the event.

Once you have considered these factors, you can consult with the expectant mother and mutually decide on a suitable date for the baby shower. Make sure to give the guests plenty of notice, typically around 4-6 weeks, so they can save the date and make necessary arrangements to attend.