During the last 365 days it was sunny 5 days less than 4 times the number of rainy days. How many days did it rain?

This question does not allow for days when it is neither sunny nor rainy (for example, cloudy or snow). There are also days that have both sun and rain.

There are many possible answers. They should come up with better questions than this.

What they probably want you to do is solve the equation

R + (4R -5) = 365
R us the number of rainy days.

Ok, thank you this is very helpful! I was trying to use 4(R)-5=365. The question was really throwing me off.

To find the number of days it rained, we can set up an equation. Let's use the variable "x" to represent the number of rainy days.

According to the given information, it was sunny for 5 days less than 4 times the number of rainy days. This can be expressed as:

Sunny days = 4x - 5

We also know that the total number of days in the last 365 days is 365.

So, the equation becomes:

x + (4x - 5) = 365

Simplifying the equation:

5x - 5 = 365

Adding 5 to both sides of the equation:

5x = 370

Dividing both sides by 5:

x = 74

Therefore, it rained for 74 days.