Phoenix Jackson is Eudora Welty's major character in the short story, "A Worn Path." She is a very old and fragile, African American woman struggling against herself and nature to retrieve medice for her sickly grandson. Throughout the story, Phoenix encounters many hardships and trials that hinder her from accomplishing her task, but her everlasting love for her grandson pushes her to overcome these hinderances. Phoenix Jackson's character is determined by her strength of love for her only grandson...

What more things should I add to my thesis sentence? Is there anything wrong with the first few sentences? Thanks!

"medicine" (Sp)

"Retrieve" means to get back. Was the medicine taken away from her previously?

A thesis sentence is just that — one sentence. You have several. Can you compress to one sentence?

Your thesis sentence is a good start, as it identifies Phoenix Jackson as the major character in Eudora Welty's short story "A Worn Path" and highlights her enduring love for her grandson as a significant aspect of her character. However, there is an opportunity to expand and refine your thesis to provide a clearer and more comprehensive focus for your analysis. Here are a few suggestions to consider:

1. Address the theme: Consider mentioning the central theme of the story, which is the resilience and determination of the human spirit in the face of adversity. This will give a broader context to your thesis.

2. Specify the hardships and trials: Rather than using the broad term "hardships and trials," identify specific challenges that Phoenix Jackson encounters throughout her journey. This will add more depth to your analysis and demonstrate a closer reading of the text.

3. Explore other character traits: While the love for her grandson is undoubtedly a defining characteristic of Phoenix Jackson, you can incorporate additional aspects of her character. Look for other qualities that contribute to her determination, such as emotional resilience, physical strength, or mental fortitude.

Here's a revised thesis sentence example:

"Phoenix Jackson, the resilient and compassionate protagonist of Eudora Welty's short story 'A Worn Path,' showcases the unwavering strength of the human spirit as she navigates a treacherous journey to obtain medicine for her sickly grandson, surmounting a series of challenging obstacles, including encounters with nature, racial prejudice, and her own physical limitations."

Remember, your thesis is the foundation of your essay, so take the time to refine it and make sure it accurately represents the key elements you plan to discuss.