Venus orbits 0.72 AU from the sun. What is that distance in kilometers?

1 AU is about 93 million miles (92,955,808 miles to be exact)

100km is 62.14 miles
This should help a little.

One AU is the Earth's average distance from the sun, which is

149,598,000 kilometers

Multiply that by 0.72

To convert Astronomical Units (AU) to kilometers, we need to know the value of 1 AU in kilometers.

One Astronomical Unit (AU) represents the average distance from the Earth to the Sun, which is approximately 149.6 million kilometers.

So, to find the distance from Venus to the Sun in kilometers, we need to multiply the distance in AU by the conversion factor:

Distance in kilometers = Distance in AU * Conversion factor

Distance in kilometers = 0.72 AU * 149.6 million kilometers per AU

By performing the calculation:

Distance in kilometers = 0.72 * 149.6 million kilometers

The result is:

Distance in kilometers ≈ 107.712 million kilometers

Therefore, Venus orbits approximately 107.712 million kilometers from the Sun.

If you don't know what an AU is, you can Google it. Then multiply.