a plant in the classroom appears to be wilting. The children are asked to come up with as many possible explanation for this as they can. They're engaged in the second stage of decision making, called

A.groupthink B.herding ideas C. railroading ideas D.brainstorming

I would go with brainstorming

D. brainstorming pg 186

The correct option for the second stage of decision making that the children are engaged in is D. brainstorming. Brainstorming is a technique used to generate a large number of creative ideas or possible solutions to a problem or question.

In this scenario, the children are asked to come up with as many possible explanations for why the plant in the classroom is wilting. Brainstorming encourages them to think freely and express any idea that comes to mind, without judgment or criticism. This allows for a diverse range of ideas to be generated.

During brainstorming, the focus is on quantity rather than quality. The goal is to create a pool of ideas that can be reviewed and evaluated later on. By considering a wide variety of possibilities, the children can explore different potential causes for the wilting plant and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the situation.