Virginia hears a scratching sound outsides her window almost every night. Which of the following would be good evidence to gather to test the hypothesis that a tree branch is rubbing the outside of Virginia's window?

a) set a trap to catch any animals by her window
b) tie ribbions on all the tree branches
c) check for animal track in the dirt
d) see if any of the branches are close to the window




thanks Sra

To test the hypothesis that a tree branch is rubbing the outside of Virginia's window, a good evidence to gather would be to see if any of the branches are close to the window. This can be done by visually inspecting the area outside the window to determine if any tree branches are in close proximity to the window.

Options a), b), and c) are not directly related to the hypothesis being tested. Setting a trap to catch animals by the window, tying ribbons on all the tree branches, or checking for animal tracks in the dirt may provide information about the presence of animals or their activities, but they do not specifically address whether or not a tree branch is causing the scratching sound. Therefore, option d) is the most relevant evidence to gather in this scenario.