a mountain, 200 feet above sea level, is near a valley 700 feet below sea level. How many feet higher is the mountain than the valley?

900 feet


thanks ms sue

You're welcome, Bart.

To calculate the height difference between the mountain and the valley, we need to find the sum of their respective heights above and below sea level.

The mountain is 200 feet above sea level, meaning its height is +200 feet.
The valley is 700 feet below sea level, so its height is -700 feet.

To find the height difference, we subtract the height of the valley from the height of the mountain: 200 feet - (-700 feet).

When subtracting a negative number, we essentially add the positive number. So, 200 feet - (-700 feet) becomes 200 feet + 700 feet.

Adding these two values together gives us the height difference: 200 feet + 700 feet = 900 feet.

Therefore, the mountain is 900 feet higher than the valley.