Draw and mark a figure in which M is the midpoint of ST, SP = PT, and T is the midpoint of PQ.

Draw and mark a figure in which M is the midpoint of ST, SP = PT, and T is the midpoint of PQ.

To draw and mark a figure with the given conditions, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a line segment ST. You can use a ruler or a straightedge to ensure that the line is straight.

2. Mark point M on the line ST. M should be placed in the middle, so make sure to position it equidistant from both S and T.

3. Draw line segment SP starting from S and line segment PT starting from T. Both lines should extend outward from ST.

4. Using a compass, draw a circle with point S as the center and a radius equal to the length of SP. Ensure the compass point is on S and draw an arc that intersects ST.

5. Without changing the radius of the compass, place the compass point on P and draw another arc that intersects the previous arc created in step 4.

6. The intersection point between the two arcs is point Q. Mark point Q on the arc. This will ensure that T is the midpoint of PQ.

7. Finally, connect points P and Q with a line segment.

Now you have a figure where M is the midpoint of ST, SP = PT, and T is the midpoint of PQ.