juan travels at the rate of 30miles per hour for 4 hours. He then return over the same route in 3 hours.What was his average rate for the return trip in miles per hour

a-22 1/2
b-34 2/7
answer: f-40

d = 30 miles/hr * 4 hrs = 120 miles,

V = 120 MILES / 3 HRS = 40 miles/hr.

Sam ran between 8 and 15 miles a week for 5 weeks.About how many miles could he have run?

To find the average rate for the return trip, we can use the formula: average rate = total distance / total time.

First, let's calculate the total distance for the trip. Since the distance remains the same regardless of the direction, we only need to calculate it once.

Distance = rate * time
Distance = 30 miles/hour * 4 hours
Distance = 120 miles

Next, let's find the total time for the return trip. We know that the return trip took 3 hours.

The total time for the trip is 4 hours (outbound) + 3 hours (return) = 7 hours.

Now, let's calculate the average rate for the return trip.

Average rate = total distance / total time
Average rate = 120 miles / 7 hours
Average rate ≈ 17.14 miles per hour

Since none of the answer choices match this result, it seems there might be a mistake in the given options. Please double-check the answer choices or provide additional information if available.

To find Juan's average rate for the return trip, we need to calculate the total distance of the return trip and divide it by the total time it took him to complete the return trip.

First, let's calculate the total distance of the return trip. Since Juan traveled at a rate of 30 miles per hour for 4 hours on the first trip, he covered a total distance of:

Distance = Rate x Time
Distance = 30 miles/hour x 4 hours
Distance = 120 miles

Now, let's calculate the total time for the return trip. Juan traveled for 3 hours on the return trip.

To find the average rate for the return trip, we divide the total distance by the total time:

Average Rate = Total Distance / Total Time
Average Rate = 120 miles / 3 hours
Average Rate = 40 miles per hour

Therefore, the answer is option e) 40 miles per hour.