Baton Rouge and New Orleans are in what region?

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To determine the region Baton Rouge and New Orleans are located in, one can refer to a map or use an online mapping tool. The following steps will guide you on how to find the region:

1. Open a web browser and visit a reliable mapping website like Google Maps or Bing Maps.

2. Type "Baton Rouge" in the search bar. The mapping tool will display Baton Rouge on the map.

3. Now, type "New Orleans" in the search bar. The mapping tool will show New Orleans on the map as well.

4. Zoom out on the map to get a broader view of the area.

5. By examining the map, you will notice that Baton Rouge and New Orleans are both located in the southern part of the state of Louisiana.

6. The region where Baton Rouge and New Orleans are situated is commonly known as the Gulf Coast region.

Alternatively, you can also consult an atlas or refer to online resources that provide information on regions and states to determine the specific region in which Baton Rouge and New Orleans fall.