Juneau, Alaska has a dry winter season, even though it receives 53.2 inches of precipitation annually. Its average coolest-month temperature is 22'F, and its average warmest -month temperature is a surprising 56'F. What climate is it?

To determine the climate of Juneau, Alaska, we will use the Köppen climate classification system. This system categorizes climates based on average temperature and precipitation patterns.

Step 1: Find the average coolest-month temperature in Celsius.
22'F = -5.6°C

Step 2: Find the average warmest-month temperature in Celsius.
56'F = 13.3°C

Step 3: Calculate the annual temperature range.
Temperature range = average warmest-month temperature - average coolest-month temperature
Temperature range = 13.3°C - (-5.6°C) = 18.9°C

Step 4: Determine the climate type based on temperature and precipitation.
In the Köppen climate classification, each letter represents different climate zones. For example:
- "A" stands for tropical climates (average temperature > 18°C)
- "B" stands for dry climates (precipitation deficit)
- "C" stands for mild temperate climates
- "D" stands for cold winter climates

Based on the given information, Juneau, Alaska has an average winter temperature below freezing (-5.6°C) and an average warmest-month temperature above 10°C (13.3°C). Additionally, it receives a significant amount of precipitation (53.2 inches annually). Therefore, Juneau, Alaska would have a climate type of Dfb, which signifies a cold and wet, Oceanic climate, according to the Köppen climate classification system.