What climate does this place have?

Warmest month average: 83'F
Coldest month average: 70'F
Average rainfall: 42 in/yr
Vegetation: Rainforest

My guess would be a tropical savanna. Look it up for more information to check me.

And Pam/Ant, stop changing names. We don't mind when you post more than one question.

hmmmm............i post up this question this morning at 5:00 its other people dong the same thing im doing to alright and i don't know who this person is

To determine the climate of a place based on the given information, we can look at the temperature and average rainfall patterns. Additionally, the vegetation type can provide further insights.

From the data provided:
- Warmest month average: 83'F
- Coldest month average: 70'F
- Average rainfall: 42 in/yr
- Vegetation: Rainforest

Based on these details, we can deduce that the place has a tropical rainforest climate. Here's the breakdown of the reasoning:

1. Temperature: The average temperatures indicate a warm climate throughout the year. The warmest month with an average of 83'F suggests a consistently high temperature during that period. Similarly, the coldest month with an average of 70'F implies mild winters without experiencing freezing temperatures.

2. Rainfall: The average annual rainfall of 42 inches is relatively high, which is a characteristic feature of rainforests. Rainforests receive significant amounts of precipitation throughout the year, contributing to their lush vegetation.

3. Vegetation: The presence of a rainforest vegetation type further confirms the climate classification. Rainforests are known for their dense, evergreen trees and diverse plant life that thrive in warm, moist conditions.

In summary, based on the information provided, the place has a tropical rainforest climate, characterized by consistently warm temperatures, high precipitation, and abundant rainforest vegetation.