write an algebraic xepression for each word phrases?

1 more than the quotient of 21 and b

Assuming 21 is the dividend,

(21/b) + 1

To write an algebraic expression for "1 more than the quotient of 21 and b," we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up the expression for the quotient of 21 and b.
The quotient of 21 and b can be written as 21 / b.

Step 2: Add 1 to the quotient.
Adding 1 to the quotient of 21/b gives us (21/b) + 1.

Therefore, the algebraic expression for "1 more than the quotient of 21 and b" is (21/b) + 1.

To write an algebraic expression for "1 more than the quotient of 21 and b," you would use the following steps:

Step 1: Identify the keyword or phrase.
In this case, the keyword or phrase is "quotient," which refers to dividing one number by another.

Step 2: Assign a variable to the unknown value.
The letter "b" is given as the variable representing the unknown value.

Step 3: Translate the keywords or phrases into mathematical operations.
The phrase "the quotient of 21 and b" means dividing 21 by b.

Step 4: Write the algebraic expression.
To write the algebraic expression for this, you would use the division operator (/) to represent the quotient and add the number 1 to it. The expression would be: 21/b + 1.