This book is called "The Most Dangerous Game" My question is, Whitney claims animals understand fear-the fear of death and the fear of pain. Does Rainsford agree?

This article addresses that question.

To determine if Rainsford agrees with Whitney's claim that animals understand fear, we need to refer to the text. The book "The Most Dangerous Game" is a short story written by Richard Connell.

To find the answer, I recommend searching for the specific passage or dialogue between Whitney and Rainsford where they discuss this topic. You can either refer to a physical copy of the book or use an e-book version to search for keywords like "Whitney," "Rainsford," and "fear." You'll need to read the surrounding context to understand their conversation in its entirety.

If you don't have access to the book, you can try searching for summaries, book reviews, or analysis of the story online. These sources often highlight significant discussions or themes within the text.

Analyzing their conversation will provide insights into Rainsford's viewpoint on whether animals understand fear. Remember to interpret the characters' statements and actions to form an informed opinion rather than simply stating whether Rainsford agrees or disagrees.