I am trying to find the solution for y-9>-17 and I don't know where to start. i have been out of school for nearly 30 years and none of the info makes any sense. please help..thanks

Add 9 to both sides.

y > 9 + (-17)
y > - 8

To make this sentence true i have to put <,>,or = in between ( ) the given fractions or Decimals?

7/20 ( ) 2/5

0.15 ( ) 1/8

Please explain?

I'd be happy to help you with your question!

To solve the inequality y - 9 > -17, you'll need to isolate the variable y, just like you would if it was an equation. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to solve it:

Step 1: Add 9 to both sides of the inequality:
y - 9 + 9 > -17 + 9

This simplifies to:
y > -8

So the solution to the inequality is y > -8. This means that any value of y that is greater than -8 would make the inequality true.

Now, let's understand the steps in more detail:

Step 1: Add 9 to both sides of the inequality:
When we add 9 to both sides, we're trying to isolate the variable y by getting rid of the constant term (-9) on the left side of the inequality.

On the right side, -17 + 9 simplifies to -8. So the new inequality becomes y > -8.

Step 2 (Optional): Simplify further (if needed):
In this case, we don't need to simplify further because we've isolated y.

The solution to the inequality y - 9 > -17 is y > -8. This means that any value of y that is greater than -8 will satisfy the inequality.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.