This has a fraction in it.

Simplify: numerator is 5 square root of 4 times square root of 8. Denominator is square root of 8 times square root of 2.

5 square root of 2?


Thank you!

To simplify the given fraction, start by simplifying the numerator and the denominator separately.

Let's simplify the numerator first:
The numerator is 5 √4 * √8.

To simplify this, we use the property of square roots that states √a * √b = √(a * b).
In this case, we can simplify the square root of 4 * 8.

√4 * √8 = 2 * √8 = 2 * 2√2 = 4√2.

So, the numerator becomes 5 * 4√2 = 20√2.

Now, let's simplify the denominator:
The denominator is √8 * √2.

Similarly, √8 * √2 = 2√2.

Now, the simplified fraction is:
Numerator: 20√2
Denominator: 2√2

Since the numerator and the denominator both have √2, we can cancel them out:

20√2 / 2√2 = 20/2 = 10.

Therefore, the simplified fraction is 10.