Write a formula for converting hours, starting with midnight as zero, to a decimal number of degrees. Assume that a full day equals 360º, 60 minutes equals one hour, and 60 seconds equals one minute. Use x, y, and z to represent hours, minutes, and seconds respectively. Use T for the decimal number of degrees.

T = 360(x + y + z)

T = 60(x + y + z)

T = 15(x + y/60 + z/3600)

And yeah, this is supposed to be in military time.

I suppose you have posted three choices for the answers.

You would choose the choice which evaluates to 360° at 24:00:00 (i.e. x=24, y=0, z=0).

If more than one choice fit, then you need other tests.

T = 15(x + y/60 + z/3600)

To convert hours to a decimal number of degrees, follow these steps:

1. Determine the total time elapsed in hours, minutes, and seconds.
- Let x represent the hours.
- Let y represent the minutes.
- Let z represent the seconds.

2. Convert the minutes and seconds into their respective fractions of an hour.
- Divide the number of minutes by 60 to convert them into hours.
- Divide the number of seconds by 3600 to convert them into hours.

3. Add up the converted values of the hours, minutes, and seconds to get the total time in decimal hours.
- Add x, y/60, and z/3600 together.

4. Multiply the total time in decimal hours by the conversion factor to get the equivalent number of degrees.
- Multiply the total time by 15 if you consider a full day as 360 degrees (15 degrees per hour).

Therefore, the formula for converting hours, starting with midnight as zero, to a decimal number of degrees is:

T = 15(x + y/60 + z/3600)

Note that this formula assumes the use of military time, where hours range from 0 to 23.