Does the line [x,y,z]=[5,-9,3]+k[1,-12,2] intersect the plane [x,y,z]=[4,-15,8]+s[1,-3,1]+t[2,3,1]? If so, how many solutions are there?

( I tried finding the normal vector, there after finding the "d" value to write in scalar equation, and once it is in scalar equation i wrote the line in parametric form and substituted it in the scalar equation, but I don't seem to get the answer, is that the correct method?)

To determine if the line [x, y, z] = [5, -9, 3] + k[1, -12, 2] intersects the plane [x, y, z] = [4, -15, 8] + s[1, -3, 1] + t[2, 3, 1], we can set up a system of equations.

Let's denote the equation of the line as L: [x, y, z] = [A, B, C] + k[D, E, F].
And let's denote the equation of the plane as P: [x, y, z] = [G, H, I] + s[J, K, L] + t[M, N, O].

Now, substitute the equation of the line into the equation of the plane:
[A + kD, B + kE, C + kF] = [G, H, I] + s[J, K, L] + t[M, N, O].

This gives us the following system of equations:
A + kD = G + sJ + tM
B + kE = H + sK + tN
C + kF = I + sL + tO.

Rearranging the equations, we get:
kD - sJ - tM = G - A
kE - sK - tN = H - B
kF - sL - tO = I - C.

We can write this system of equations as a matrix equation:
| D -J -M | | k | | G - A |
| E -K -N | * | s | = | H - B |
| F -L -O | | t | | I - C |.

If this matrix equation has a solution for k, s, and t, then the line intersects the plane. The number of solutions will depend on whether the determinant of the coefficient matrix is zero or not.

If the determinant is non-zero, then there is a unique solution and the line intersects the plane at a single point.
If the determinant is zero, then the system is either consistent with infinitely many solutions (infinite intersecting points) or inconsistent (no intersection at all).

To find the determinant, calculate:
Det = D(-KO + LN) + J(FO - LN) + M(EK - FJ).

If Det ≠ 0, there is a unique solution, and the line intersects the plane at a single point.
If Det = 0, then either the system has infinitely many solutions or no solution.

You can use this method to check if the line and plane intersect and determine the number of solutions.

To determine if the line [x,y,z]=[5,-9,3]+k[1,-12,2] intersects the plane [x,y,z]=[4,-15,8]+s[1,-3,1]+t[2,3,1], we can follow these steps:

1. Find the normal vector of the plane:
To find the normal vector of the plane, we need to find the cross product of the direction vectors of the plane. The direction vectors are [1,-3,1] and [2,3,1]. Taking the cross product:

n = [1,-3,1] × [2,3,1]

2. Write the scalar equation of the plane:
Using the given point [4,-15,8], we can write the scalar equation of the plane:

n · ([x,y,z] - [4,-15,8]) = 0

Here, the dot product (·) represents vector dot product.

3. Write the parametric equation of the line:
The given line is already in parametric form: [x,y,z] = [5,-9,3] + k[1,-12,2].

4. Substitute the line equation into the scalar equation:
Substituting the line equation into the scalar equation of the plane, we get:

n · ([5,-9,3] + k[1,-12,2] - [4,-15,8]) = 0

Now, simplify the equation and find the value of k.

n · ([1 + k,-3 - 12k,1 + 2k] - [1,-15,5]) = 0

5. Solve for k:
Expand and simplify the equation:

n · [k,-12k + 6,2k - 4] = 0

n₁k + n₂(-12k + 6) + n₃(2k - 4) = 0

Solve for k:

n₁k - 12n₂k + 6n₂ + 2n₃k - 4n₃ = 0

Combine like terms:

k(n₁ - 12n₂ + 2n₃) + 6n₂ - 4n₃ = 0

Solve for k:

k = (4n₃ - 6n₂)/(12n₂ - 2n₃ + n₁)

6. Determine the number of solutions:
If the value of k obtained in step 5 is a real number, then the line intersects the plane at a single point. If the value of k is undefined (due to division by zero), then the line lies in the plane (infinite solutions). If the value of k is not a real number, then the line does not intersect the plane (no solutions).

So, plug in the values of n₁, n₂, and n₃ from step 1 into the equation from step 5 to determine the number of solutions.