I kind of don't understand what this means:

transformed the social fabric of the United States and countries around the world

the social fabric part


Read carefully.

The phrase "transformed the social fabric" means that something has had a significant impact on society, causing major changes in the way people live, interact, and think.

To fully understand this concept, let's break it down:

1. "Transformed": This means that something has undergone a profound change, fundamentally altering its nature or structure. In this case, it refers to how the social dynamics and structures have been modified.

2. "Social fabric": The term "social fabric" refers to the interconnectedness and structure of society. It encompasses various aspects such as social norms, values, relationships, and institutions that shape how individuals and communities function.

3. "United States and countries around the world": This implies that the aforementioned changes have not been limited to a single country (the United States) but have extended to multiple countries globally.

Bringing it all together, the phrase suggests that whatever event or phenomenon is being discussed has caused significant and far-reaching changes in society, not only within the United States but also in various other countries worldwide. It highlights the transformative impact on people's lives, relationships, attitudes, and the overall structure of society.