What would be the reaction of a reader if the topic sentences in an essay did not coincide with the supporting points?


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What would be the reaction of a reader if the topic sentencein an essay did not concide with the supporting points

If the topic sentences in an essay did not coincide with the supporting points, the reader might have various reactions. One possible reaction could be confusion, as there would be a disconnect between the main idea presented in the topic sentence and the subsequent evidence or examples provided. This could make it difficult for the reader to follow the logical flow of the essay and understand the intended message.

Another reaction could be frustration or annoyance. When the topic sentences do not align with the supporting points, it can give the impression that the essay lacks coherence and organization. The reader may feel like they are being led in different directions or that the content is disjointed, making it harder to engage with the essay and comprehend its main argument.

To avoid such a scenario, it is crucial to ensure that topic sentences accurately reflect the content of each paragraph or section in the essay. Here are a few steps to follow when crafting topic sentences:

1. Clearly identify the main idea of each paragraph: Before writing the topic sentence, determine the central point or argument that will be discussed in that particular paragraph.

2. Connect the topic sentence to the thesis statement: The topic sentence should relate directly to the overall thesis or main idea of the essay. It serves as a bridge between the thesis and the specific supporting points in the paragraph.

3. Make sure each topic sentence introduces the supporting points: The topic sentence should preview or introduce the main supporting points that will be covered in the paragraph. This helps the reader understand what to expect and how the paragraph supports the overall argument.

4. Review and revise: After writing the topic sentences, review them to check if they align with the subsequent supporting points. Make necessary revisions to ensure coherence and logical flow throughout the essay.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the topic sentences in your essay accurately reflect the content and effectively guide the reader through your argument.