Use the Distributive property to rewrite the expression and simplify.

6(y + 13)+ 21y

6(y + 13)+ 21y

6y + 78 + 21y

27y + 78

To use the distributive property, you need to multiply each term inside the parentheses by the 6 outside the parentheses. Then, you can simplify the expression.

First, let's distribute the 6 to the terms inside the parentheses:

6(y + 13) + 21y = 6y + 6(13) + 21y

Now, simplify the expression:

6y + 6(13) + 21y = 6y + 78 + 21y

Next, combine like terms:

6y + 78 + 21y = (6y + 21y) + 78

Finally, simplify further:

(6y + 21y) + 78 = 27y + 78

So, after using the distributive property and simplifying, the expression 6(y + 13) + 21y becomes 27y + 78.

To use the distributive property, we need to multiply each term inside the parentheses by the number outside the parentheses.

First, distribute the 6 to both terms inside the parentheses:

6(y) + 6(13) + 21y

This simplifies to:

6y + 78 + 21y

Now, combine like terms by adding the y terms together:

6y + 21y + 78

This simplifies further to:

27y + 78

So the expression, rewritten using the distributive property and simplified, is 27y + 78.