28.66ml(.7857 g/cm cubed)= meters

To convert 28.66 mL to meters, we need to use the dimensional analysis method. First, let's convert milliliters to cubic centimeters (cm³), as both are equivalent:

1 mL = 1 cm³

Now, we can proceed to convert from cubic centimeters to meters. To do this, we'll need the given density, which is 0.7857 g/cm³. Density is defined as mass per unit volume, so we can rewrite it as:

0.7857 g/cm³ = (0.7857 g) / (1 cm³)

Since we're given the volume (28.66 mL) and density, we can now calculate the mass by multiplying the volume by the density:

Mass = Volume x Density
Mass = 28.66 mL x (0.7857 g) / (1 cm³)

Next, we need to convert grams (g) to kilograms (kg) because the SI unit for mass is kilograms. To do this, we divide the mass by 1,000:

Mass in kg = (28.66 mL x 0.7857 g) / (1 cm³) / 1000

Finally, we need to convert cubic centimeters to cubic meters, as 1 cubic meter (m³) is equal to 1,000,000 cubic centimeters (cm³). So, to convert from cubic centimeters to cubic meters, divide by 1,000,000:

Volume in m³ = Volume in cm³ / (1,000,000)

Now, substituting the values we have:

Volume in m³ = 28.66 mL x 0.7857 g / (1 cm³ x 1000) / (1,000,000)

After performing the calculations, you'll have your answer in cubic meters.