Please give me suggestion on thie essay that I wrote.However, maybe there is some points missing. Thanks.

How did imperialism impact non-western economies? How did Europeans achieve these transformations of local economies? What were the effects of those transformations?


The Europeans remapped the contours of empire in the closing decades of the nineteenth century. There was a global conquest that differentiated from earlier forms of empire that was often described as the “new imperialism”. The new imperialism had four features that stand out as novel. The European nations adopted imperialism as an official policy for the first time in the late nineteenth-century. This policy was set to replace empires governed by traders ruled by expansionist states. There was no single factor that truly explained the new imperialism. Imperialism impacted the non-western economics because it gave the Europeans access to a new efficient technology that changed the course of colonial conquest and domination. This technology played a major role in the spreading of the influence abroad. The Europeans were able to penetrate continental Africa with the arrival of gunboats, armstream boats and many other technologies. The economic context had changed therefore the single new factor was the leading industrial power of Germany and the United States. The local economies that was achieved by the Europeans was that they began to export one-third of its industrial goods and one-quarter of its investment capital to India. The effects of this transformation were that France was behind Germany as industrial produces but the French amassed the world's second largest empire.

How did the specialized work of the colonist develop into the interdependent among the colonists

Overall, your essay addresses the impact of imperialism on non-western economies and how Europeans achieved these transformations. However, there are a few points missing that could enhance your analysis.

First, you could provide more specific examples of how imperialism affected non-western economies. For instance, you could mention the exploitation of raw materials and resources from colonized regions, the establishment of cash-crop plantations, the forced labor systems, and the disruption of traditional industries and trade patterns.

To support your argument on how Europeans achieved these transformations, you could discuss the various strategies they employed. This might include military invasions, political interventions, economic domination through trade and investment, and cultural assimilation. By elaborating on these methods, you can highlight the mechanisms through which Europeans exerted control over non-western economies.

Additionally, it would be valuable to explore the effects of these transformations in more depth. You briefly mention the economic impact of Europeans exporting industrial goods and investment capital to India, but you could delve further into the consequences of such actions. This could involve discussing the transformation of indigenous economies from self-sufficiency to dependence on European goods, the creation of unequal trading relationships, and the widening wealth gaps between the colonizers and the colonized societies.

To strengthen your essay, you may want to include more evidence and citations from historical sources or scholarly articles. This would add credibility and depth to your analysis. Furthermore, consider providing a concise introduction and conclusion to give your essay a well-rounded structure.

By incorporating these suggestions, your essay will offer a more comprehensive examination of how imperialism impacted non-western economies, how Europeans achieved these transformations, and the effects of these changes.