the step-by step you follow when conducting an experiment is called what?

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The Scientific Method.


The step-by-step process followed when conducting an experiment is called the scientific method. The scientific method is a systematic approach to research that involves a series of steps designed to ensure the validity and reliability of the results. Here are the key steps involved in the scientific method:

1. Identify the problem or research question: Clearly define what you want to investigate or the problem you want to solve.

2. Conduct background research: Gather information on existing knowledge and theories related to the topic. This helps in designing a hypothesis and understanding the context of the experiment.

3. Formulate a hypothesis: Based on the research conducted, develop a tentative explanation or prediction that can be tested through experimentation.

4. Design and conduct the experiment: Plan and organize the experiment by outlining the materials, procedures, and variables involved. Ensure that the experiment is carefully controlled to reduce bias and obtain reliable data.

5. Collect and analyze data: Conduct the experiment and collect relevant data using appropriate measurement tools or techniques. Organize and analyze the data to draw conclusions.

6. Draw conclusions: Evaluate the results of the experiment and analyze the data to determine if the hypothesis is supported or rejected. Consider any limitations, possible sources of error, and alternate interpretations of the results.

7. Communicate the results: Present your findings through a research report, scientific paper, or presentation. Share your methodology, data, and conclusions to contribute to the scientific community and allow for further research and peer review.

It is important to note that the scientific method is an iterative process, where the results obtained from one experiment can lead to modifications and refinement of the hypothesis, leading to further experiments for deeper understanding.