Which of the following is the main purpose of home inspection societies and professional associations?

A.To license and regulate home inspectors
B.To "self-regulate" the home inspection industry
C.To certify people starting out in the home inspection business
D.To assist local governments in creating building codes

I can't find the answer in my book I have looked everywhere

A and B are similar, but I lean toward B. Check this site.


To determine the main purpose of home inspection societies and professional associations, it is helpful to break down each option and understand its meaning.

A. To license and regulate home inspectors: This option suggests that the main purpose of these societies and associations is to issue licenses to home inspectors and establish regulations to ensure the quality and competence of professionals in the field.

B. To "self-regulate" the home inspection industry: This option implies that these organizations aim to regulate the home inspection industry internally, without direct involvement from government bodies. They may establish and enforce standards of practice and a code of ethics for home inspectors.

C. To certify people starting out in the home inspection business: This answer suggests that the primary goal of these societies and associations is to provide certification programs and credentials for individuals who are new to the home inspection business, thereby recognizing their skills and knowledge in the field.

D. To assist local governments in creating building codes: This option indicates that the main purpose of these organizations is to collaborate with local governments in establishing building codes. They might provide expertise and guidance to help create regulations related to home construction, safety, and inspections.

Based on these explanations, the answer to your question would be subjective, as it depends on the specific role and focus of these societies and associations. To find the exact answer, it is recommended to consult additional resources such as industry-specific websites, professional journals, or relevant governmental websites that provide information on home inspection societies and professional associations. Their official websites often outline their missions and objectives, which would give a more accurate answer to your question.