In 1989, Carl Lewis established a world record when he ran the 100. meter dash in 9.92 seconds. What was his average speed (in m/s) for the race? Remember to include your data, equation, and work when solving this problem

To find Carl Lewis's average speed for the race, we can use the equation:

Average speed = Distance / Time

Given that Carl Lewis ran the 100-meter dash in 9.92 seconds, the distance covered is 100 meters, and the time taken is 9.92 seconds.

Plugging the values into the equation:

Average speed = 100 meters / 9.92 seconds

Calculating the value:

Average speed = 10.08 m/s

Therefore, Carl Lewis's average speed for the race was 10.08 m/s.

To find Carl Lewis's average speed for the 100-meter dash, we need to divide the total distance covered (100 meters) by the time it took him to complete the race (9.92 seconds).

The equation we can use to calculate average speed is:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Time

Given: Total Distance = 100 meters
Time = 9.92 seconds

Now, we can substitute the values into the equation:

Average Speed = 100 meters / 9.92 seconds

To simplify the calculation, we can round the time to two decimal places:

Average Speed ≈ 100 meters / 9.92 seconds

Dividing 100 meters by 9.92 seconds gives us:

Average Speed ≈ 10.08 meters per second

Therefore, Carl Lewis's average speed for the 100-meter dash was approximately 10.08 m/s.

avg. speed = (distance)/(time)

Surely you can do the rest