Genetics and what we inherit from our biological parents play a significant role in our intelligence level. In fact, researcher have found that:

a) adotpted children are more similar in IQ to their adoptive parents than to their birth parents
b) identical twins raised apart are more similar in their IQ scores than fraternal twins raised together
c) fraternal twins raised together are more similar in their IQ scores than identical twins raised together
d) bioloical siblings raised apart are as similar in IQ as biological siblings raised together

I think the answer is B

I agree.

You are correct! The answer is indeed B. Identical twins raised apart are more similar in their IQ scores than fraternal twins raised together. This finding suggests a strong genetic influence on intelligence.

To arrive at this conclusion, researchers have conducted various studies comparing the intelligence levels of different groups of individuals. These studies help us understand the role of genetics in shaping intelligence. Let's go through each option to understand why B is the correct answer and why the other options are not:

a) Adopted children are more similar in IQ to their adoptive parents than to their birth parents: This option suggests that environmental factors play a more significant role in intelligence outcomes. However, numerous studies have shown that shared environmental influences (such as being raised by adoptive parents) have minimal long-term effects on IQ scores. Thus, this option is incorrect.

b) Identical twins raised apart are more similar in their IQ scores than fraternal twins raised together: This option correctly highlights the strong genetic influence on intelligence. When researchers compare identical twins (who share 100% of their DNA) raised apart, they often find striking similarities in their IQ scores. On the other hand, fraternal twins (who share 50% of their DNA) raised together have more varied IQ scores. Therefore, this option is correct.

c) Fraternal twins raised together are more similar in their IQ scores than identical twins raised together: This option contradicts the well-established understanding that identical twins, with their identical DNA, have more similar IQ scores than fraternal twins. Fraternal twins only share half of their genetic makeup, so their IQ scores can vary more compared to identical twins. Thus, this option is incorrect.

d) Biological siblings raised apart are as similar in IQ as biological siblings raised together: This option suggests that environmental factors have a minimal impact on intelligence compared to genetics. However, studies have shown that shared environment plays a minimal role in determining IQ scores, as mentioned earlier. Additionally, comparing biological siblings who are raised apart to those raised together indicates that disrupted environments can introduce differences in IQ scores. Therefore, this option is also incorrect.

In summary, option B is the correct answer as it reflects the strong genetic influence on intelligence, particularly in the case of identical twins raised apart.