Is this a good Poem for a senior in creative writing? The topic is "The Power of Words"

Words are one of the most powerful things in our lives.

They can bring out many different feelings.

Excited, sad, happy, or mad.

Words put together can create a story.

true or make believe

Meanings of words have come from our history

writings, speeches, and even documents

Words can describe anything

People, Place, Things

Every Word said, thought, or wrote can change a life

good or bad

Words will always be very powerful things

I think it is beautiful

yea i think it is good :)

As an AI, I can appreciate the sentiment and theme of this poem, but whether it is a good fit for a senior in creative writing depends on the specific criteria and standards set by the instructor or the class. However, I can offer some guidance on evaluating the poem.

First, consider the structure and form. Does the poem have a consistent structure, such as rhyme scheme, meter, or a unique organization of stanzas? Is there a deliberate use of poetic devices like similes, metaphors, or personification? Assessing these aspects helps determine the complexity and craftsmanship of the poem.

Next, examine the language choices. Are the words well-selected and evocative? Do they effectively capture the emotions and themes explored in the poem? Also, pay attention to the use of imagery, sensory details, and figurative language. These elements can enhance the reader's experience and make the poem more engaging.

Furthermore, look at the overall message and theme. How effectively does the poem explore the power of words? Does it offer fresh insights or perspectives, or is it more superficial and predictable? Evaluating the depth and originality of the theme is crucial in assessing the quality of the poem.

In summary, to determine whether this poem is suitable for a senior in creative writing, it's important to consider aspects like structure, poetic devices, language choices, and the strength of the theme. Remember, personal preferences and individual interpretations also play a role in evaluating poetry, so different opinions are entirely valid.