I have some understanding of this but not quite sure how to do the problem. Direction & problem below.

Direction: Tell whether whole numbers, integers, or rational numbers are the most reasonable to describe each. Explain your answer.

Problem: body temperature; money owed; home runs

Study these sites -- and then take a shot at your problem. We'll be glad to check your thinking.




So, I'm thinking based on the sites you given that...

body temperature = rational number
money owed = rational number
home runs = whole numbers

Is this correct?

I agree with you, David.

To determine whether whole numbers, integers, or rational numbers are the most reasonable to describe each of the given situations, we need to consider the nature of these numbers and how they apply to the context of the problems.

1. Body temperature: The temperature of the human body can vary and can take both positive and negative values. Additionally, it can be a decimal value. Hence, the most reasonable choice to describe body temperature would be rational numbers. Rational numbers include integers, whole numbers, and fractions or decimals.

2. Money owed: Money owed can be positive or negative, and it can also involve fractional parts, such as cents or decimal values. Integers would not be suitable in this case since they only include positive and negative whole numbers but not fractions or decimals. Rational numbers, which encompass both integers and fraction/decimal values, are the most reasonable choice for describing money owed.

3. Home runs: Home runs are typically counted as whole numbers, representing a discrete quantity of successful hits. While integers and rational numbers could be used to describe the number of home runs, whole numbers are the most reasonable choice since home runs are typically counted as whole, non-negative values.

In summary, body temperature would be represented using rational numbers, money owed would be represented using rational numbers, and home runs would be represented using whole numbers.