convert to decimal notation


If you have a positive exponent, you move to the right that many times. If you have a negative exponent, you move to the left that many times. 8.87 x 10^7 means move 8.87 to the right 7 times. 88,700,000 (To check this imagine the decimal is where it started, at 8.87..then move it over to the right 7 times. Get it?)

To convert a number written in scientific notation to decimal notation, you need to multiply the coefficient (8.87) by the base (10) raised to the power of the exponent (7).

So in this case, we have 8.87 * 10^7. To convert this to decimal notation, you would calculate:

8.87 * (10^7) = 8.87 * 10,000,000

Multiplying these numbers together gives you:

8.87 * 10,000,000 = 88,700,000

Therefore, 8.87 * 10^7 is equal to 88,700,000 in decimal notation.