two children using finger paints agree to share them. They're engaged in play. A. associative group B. cooperative C. parallel D. groupthink (My sanswer is A) Do you think this correct? Need your feedback.


my answer is (c)

A associate group. pg 184 :)

Based on your description, it seems like the children are engaged in cooperative play. Cooperative play involves children collaborating and working together towards a common goal or activity. In this case, the children are sharing the finger paints and actively participating in the play together. Therefore, the correct answer would be B. cooperative.

To arrive at this answer by yourself, you can consider the characteristics of each type of play:

A. Associative play: This type of play involves children playing alongside each other, but not necessarily with each other. They may use similar objects or materials but are not actively coordinating or cooperating.

B. Cooperative play: As mentioned earlier, this type of play involves children working together, collaborating, and actively sharing resources or ideas to achieve a common goal or engage in an activity together.

C. Parallel play: This type of play occurs when children play alongside each other without actively interacting or engaging with one another. They may be using similar materials or toys but are not coordinating their actions.

D. Groupthink: Groupthink refers to a psychological phenomenon where group members conform and limit their critical thinking in order to maintain harmony or unanimity within the group. This concept is not directly related to the scenario you described.

Therefore, the most appropriate answer based on the given information would be B. cooperative play.