Estimate the answer by rounding as indicated. Estimate by rounding to the nearest ten.

72 + 46 + 26 + 95 + 33 = 272

272 = 280
Is this right?

No, it is 270.

It's 280. You round each one by tens though, you don't just round your final answer (and 272 would round to 270 anyway). 70+50+30+100+30=280

To estimate the answer by rounding to the nearest ten, you need to look at the tens place of each number and round them accordingly.

Let's break down the addition problem:

72 rounded to the nearest ten is 70.
46 rounded to the nearest ten is 50.
26 rounded to the nearest ten is 30.
95 rounded to the nearest ten is 100.
33 rounded to the nearest ten is 30.

Now, add the rounded numbers together:

70 + 50 + 30 + 100 + 30 = 280

Therefore, the estimated sum when rounding to the nearest ten is 280, which matches your answer. Well done!