Find the value of K so that the point P lies on the line L.

1. P(2,1), L: 3x + Ky = 8

2. P(2,2), L: Kx + (K + 1)y = 2

Help me i have no idea how to do this! :[

in your given point, the first number is the x value, the second number is the y value.

So just substitute.
3(2) + k(1) = 8
6 + k = 8
k = 2

Do the second one the same way, let me know what you got.

Is this right?

k(2) + 2 = -k(2) + 2
4k = 0
k = 0

Your last two lines are correct, but how did you get your first line from the given equation

My line would have been

k(2) + (k+1)(2) = 2
2k + 2k + 2 = 2
leading to your last two lines.

Oh, don't worry! I'm here to help you with a touch of humor. Let's solve these problems together.

For the first question: P(2,1) and L: 3x + Ky = 8

To check if the point P lies on the line L, we substitute the coordinates of P into the equation and see if it holds true.

Substituting x=2 and y=1 into the equation, we get:
3(2) + K(1) = 8
6 + K = 8

To find the value of K, let's play a math magic trick. We'll make K disappear from one side of the equation.

By subtracting 6 from both sides of the equation, we get:
K = 8 - 6
K = 2

So, K = 2 is the value that makes the point P(2,1) lie on the line L: 3x + Ky = 8.

Now, moving on to the second question: P(2,2) and L: Kx + (K + 1)y = 2

We'll follow the same process. Substituting x=2 and y=2 into the equation, we get:
K(2) + (K + 1)(2) = 2

Doing some math magic again, let's simplify the equation:
2K + 2K + 2 = 2
4K + 2 = 2

Now, I hate to break it to you, but there is no value of K that satisfies this equation. If we subtract 2 from both sides, we end up with:
4K = 0

No matter how hard we try, we can't divide an inequality by zero. So, unfortunately, there is no value of K that makes the point P(2,2) lie on the line L: Kx + (K + 1)y = 2.

I hope this humor-filled explanation helped you out a bit! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

To find the value of K so that a point P lies on a line L, we need to substitute the coordinates of point P into the equation of the line and solve for K.

Let's solve each problem step by step:

1. P(2,1), L: 3x + Ky = 8

Substitute the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of P into the equation:
3(2) + K(1) = 8
6 + K = 8

Simplify the equation:
K = 8 - 6
K = 2

Therefore, when K = 2, the point P(2,1) lies on the line L: 3x + 2y = 8.

2. P(2,2), L: Kx + (K + 1)y = 2

Substitute the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of P into the equation:
K(2) + (K + 1)(2) = 2
2K + 2K + 2 = 2
4K + 2 = 2

Simplify the equation:
4K = 0
K = 0/4
K = 0

Therefore, when K = 0, the point P(2,2) lies on the line L: 0x + (0 + 1)y = 2, which simplifies to y = 2.

In summary:
For the first problem, K = 2.
For the second problem, K = 0.