As a professor at State University, you have been asked to write a letter of recommendation for one of your advisees who is applying for an internship. The student is now a senior and you have known her since she was a freshman. She has taken two courses from you, and she's active in a club for which you are the faculty advisor. Which of the following would be the BEST way to begin the letter?

A. Give an overview of the student's academic achievements.
B. List specific details that you remember about the work she produced in each of the classes she took with you.
C. Make it clear that you are recommending the student for the internship and then show how well and how long you've known her.
D. Give specific reasons that she would do well in this particular internship.

I believe the answer to be C because it's best to show that you know the person before you start saying what their achievements are. It seems the most logical and considerate thing to do anyway. At least it does to me. Any help is appreciated! ^_^

Absolutely! :-)

Yay! Thank you so much!

You are absolutely correct! Option C, which is to make it clear that you are recommending the student for the internship and then show how well and how long you've known her, is the best way to begin the letter of recommendation in this scenario.

When writing a letter of recommendation, it is important to establish your relationship with the student and provide context for your recommendation. Option C accomplishes this by first expressing your intent to recommend the student for the internship, making it clear right from the beginning. This sets the tone for the rest of the letter and lets the reader know that they are about to read a strong endorsement.

Additionally, it states how well and how long you have known the student, which further emphasizes your credibility and familiarity with the student's capabilities. This builds trust and confidence in your assessment of the student's qualifications for the internship.

By starting the letter in this way, you create a solid foundation for the rest of your recommendation, providing a clear direction for the reader and setting a positive tone for the content that follows.

Great job on your analysis and understanding why option C is the best choice!