In the conflict of Harry S. Truman v. Douglas MacArthur did Truman fear war with China or USSR if he used atomic bombs?


So he feared war with both China and USSR?

MacArthur's threat was centered on China. However, if the U.S. and China went to war, it's likely that the USSR would have joined China against us.

In the conflict between Harry S. Truman and Douglas MacArthur, Truman did have concerns about the possibility of war with China or the Soviet Union if he chose to use atomic bombs. To understand Truman's stance, we should examine historical context and Truman's decision-making process.

To find more information on this topic, you can follow these steps:

1. Look for primary sources: Start by searching for speeches, interviews, or memoirs by Harry S. Truman or other key figures involved in this conflict. These sources might provide direct insights into Truman's thinking and concerns.

2. Consult reliable historical accounts: Look for books or scholarly articles written by historians who specialize in this period. These sources should offer a comprehensive overview of the events, including the geopolitical context and Truman's decision-making process. Pay attention to references and citations to ensure the reliability of the information provided.

3. Analyze Truman's public statements: Truman often spoke publicly about his decisions and the geopolitical landscape. Look for statements from Truman during that time to get a sense of his concerns about potential conflicts with China or the Soviet Union if he used atomic bombs. You can check official records and press conferences, as well as newspaper articles and editorials.

4. Assess policy decisions: When Truman relieved Douglas MacArthur of his command during the Korean War, Truman cited concerns about escalations with China. Carefully examine Truman's actions and statements around this decision, as they may shed light on his worries about a broader war involving China and the potential involvement of the Soviet Union.

Remember, it's important to consider multiple perspectives and cross-reference information from different sources to develop a well-rounded understanding of Truman's fears regarding war with China or the USSR if atomic bombs were used.