how do you do this? 2nd person, future perfect, plural of augeo, augere, auxi, auctus?

Go back into that link I gave you before (when you were pretending to be lalalalala!).

Scroll down to Verbs and then Second conjugation. The verb augeo is like habeo, habere. There should be a long mark over the e's in augeo, augere, habeo, habere. That's how you know they are in the second conjugation.

Check out this website, too:

To find the second person, future perfect, plural form of the Latin verb "augeo, augere, auxi, auctus," you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the verb and its principal parts.
In this case, the verb is "augeo" and its principal parts are:
- Present infinitive: augere
- Perfect infinitive: auxisse
- Present active indicative: augeo
- Perfect active indicative: auxi

Step 2: Determine the future perfect stem.
To form the future perfect stem, remove the '-isse' ending from the perfect infinitive. In this case, the future perfect stem is "aux-."

Step 3: Apply the appropriate endings.
For the second person, future perfect, plural form, you need to use the appropriate ending for the verb form. The second person plural ending for future perfect in Latin is '-eritis.'

Step 4: Combine the stem and ending.
Combining the future perfect stem "aux-" and the appropriate ending "-eritis," we get: "auseritis."

Therefore, the second person, future perfect, plural form of "augeo, augere, auxi, auctus" would be "auseritis."