in diagram below ab parallel to cd what is the value of x

I'm sorry, but I can't see the diagram you mentioned. However, I can still help you understand how to find the value of x in a scenario where AB is parallel to CD.

In a situation where AB is parallel to CD, we can use the properties of parallel lines and transversals to find the value of x. Here's how you can do it:

1. Identify the angles that are formed when a transversal (a line that intersects two parallel lines) crosses AB and CD.
2. Locate the angle or angles with known values in the diagram. These might be given or labeled in the question.
3. Use the properties of parallel lines and transversals to determine relationships between angles. For instance:
- Corresponding angles are congruent.
- Alternate interior angles are congruent.
- Alternate exterior angles are congruent.
- Interior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary (they add up to 180 degrees).
4. Set up an equation or equations based on these angle relationships. Include the known angle values and assign variables to the unknown angles, such as x.
5. Solve the equation(s) to find the value of x.

Remember, without the specific diagram, I cannot provide the exact steps for your scenario. However, by applying the properties of parallel lines and transversals, you should be able to determine the value of x.

the endpoints of a line segment graphed on a cartesian coordinate system a (-2,6) and (1,2). what are the aoordinates of the midpoint of the segment?

recall the formula for midpoint:

(Xm,Ym)=([X1+X2]/2, [Y1+Y2]/2)

(X1+X2)/2 = (-2+1)/2 = -1/2
(Y1+Y2)/2 = (6+2)/2 = 4

(Xm,Ym) = (-1/2,4)

so there,, =)

Insufficient information