how do i slove 4243*821213=

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Place the numbers like this then solve 821213*3, then go on to the next line and place a 0 under the last number of your previous answer, then solve it for 821213*4, then under this add two 0s and solve it for the 2, then three 0s underneath that and solve it for the 4.
Then add all your answers together to get your final answer.

To solve the multiplication problem 4243 multiplied by 821213, you can follow these steps:

1. Write down the two numbers you want to multiply: 4243 and 821213.
2. Start multiplying the rightmost digit of the first number (3) with the second number (821213).
- 3 multiplied by 821213 is 2463639.
3. Shift to the second digit of the first number (4) and multiply it with the second number (821213).
- 4 multiplied by 821213 is 3284852.
4. Now, add the results of the two multiplication steps:
- 2463639 + 3284852 = 5748481.
5. Finally, shift to the third digit of the first number (2) and multiply it by the second number (821213).
- 2 multiplied by 821213 is 1642426.
6. Now, add the result of the third multiplication step to the previous sum:
- 5748481 + 1642426 = 7390907.

Therefore, the product of 4243 * 821213 is 7390907.