I am doing an essay on Aristophanes Clouds and The Trial and Death of Socrates by Plato. I am trying to find differences in the types of education Socrates provides?

I am unclear whether he actually charges a fee in Plato ( it seems that he doesn't) ?
It also seems that in Plato Socrates education consists of debating in the marketplace. I would like to know if this is correct.

I am also stuck on writing an intro, but I do have a thesis which is mainly how Socrates is depicted differently in both works in terms of education and beliefs.

Socrates didn't charge fees. That's right. And yes, education was mostly question/answer and debate -- and in the marketplace of a private dwelling, yes.

Read through this article, which is quite good. You can also use Ctrl + F and search the text for the word education or something similar to find the places where all this is discussed.

You might also use Google or whatever search engine you like to search for definitions and examples of "Socratic method." It'll be very interesting.

"and in the marketplace of a private dwelling, yes" ~~> should be "or a private dwelling"

Also be sure to keep in mind that comedies in ancient Greece were mainly satire or parody. So, yes, Socrates will be depicted differently in Aristophanes' work than in Plato's.

Thank You

I am still having writers block writing an intro and conclusion, any ideas of things I can put in would be appreciated.

Have you written the paper yet? You cannot usually introduce a paper that you haven't written yet!

Follow the writing process, whether you're writing for science, history, English, or whatever:

Prewriting: Brainstorm, research, plan, outline, thesis statement

Writing: Write first draft by starting with section II of your outline; write introduction after the body of the paper is written; write the conclusion last.

Polishing: Revise, concentrating first on the body of the paper, then the intro, then the concl (revision = making sure ideas are logical and sequential and support your thesis); proofread (spelling, grammar, usage, etc.)

Do you have a thesis yet? Have you done your brainstorming (and maybe research) yet? Have you written an outline?

from http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/catalogue.html


Check in the Essay & Research Paper Level.

Let us know.

I have written most of the paper. The thesis is Socrates is depicted differently in Plato's dialogue and Aristophanes' Clouds in terms of the education he provides and his beliefs.

To find differences in the types of education Socrates provides in Aristophanes' Clouds and Plato's Trial and Death of Socrates, you can start by analyzing the texts and examining the various dialogues and actions of Socrates in each work. Consider their portrayal of Socrates' teaching methods, topics of discussion, and the outcomes of his teachings.

As for whether Socrates charges a fee in Plato's works, it is indeed a subject of debate among scholars. According to some interpretations, Socrates did not directly charge fees for his teachings, but rather accepted voluntary donations from his students or supporters. However, it's important to note that Plato's dialogues are literary works and may not necessarily reflect historical accuracy. In any case, it is still possible to compare the types of education Socrates provides in both texts, despite differences in how they depict fees.

In Plato's works, Socrates' education often involves engaging in philosophical discussions and debates in various locations, including the marketplace (known as the Agora). The marketplace setting allows for a wide range of people to participate in the dialogue, including craftsmen, sophists, and politicians. It is correct to say that Socrates seems to engage in debates and questioning within this public sphere.

Regarding your essay introduction, here's a suggestion:

Both Aristophanes' Clouds and Plato's Trial and Death of Socrates portray the enigmatic philosopher Socrates, albeit with different perspectives. While both works explore Socrates' beliefs and educational methods, they present nuanced depictions of his character and teachings. In this essay, we will examine the contrasting portrayals of Socrates' education in these texts, specifically focusing on the types of education he provides and the underlying philosophical ideas each work conveys.

The depiction of Socrates' education and beliefs differ in Aristophanes' Clouds and Plato's Trial and Death of Socrates, as the former satirizes Socrates' teaching methods through caricature, while the latter offers a more philosophical exploration of his educational approach, highlighting the significance of Socratic dialogues and the pursuit of knowledge.

Remember that this thesis can be further refined based on your analysis, as you delve into the specific differences in Socrates' education portrayed in each work. Good luck with your essay!