A 120lb person should ear a minimum of 44 grams of protein each day. How much should a 180-lb person eat each day?

120/44=180/x, cross multiply and solve


To calculate how much protein a 180-lb person should eat each day, we can use the protein guideline for a 120-lb person as a reference point.

The protein intake is generally recommended based on body weight, so let's calculate the protein requirement for a 180-lb person using the protein guideline for a 120-lb person.

First, we need to determine the ratio of protein intake to body weight. For a 120-lb person, the protein requirement is 44 grams. We can set up a proportion to find the protein requirement for a 180-lb person:

120 lb / 44 g = 180 lb / x

To solve for x (the protein requirement for a 180-lb person), we can cross-multiply and divide:

120 lb * x = 44 g * 180 lb

Dividing both sides of the equation by 120 lb:

x = (44 g * 180 lb) / 120 lb


x = 66 g

Therefore, a 180-lb person should eat a minimum of 66 grams of protein each day.