What impact does academic achievement have on self-esteem?

How does this impact explain high school drop-out rates?

Successful people in any endeavor usually have health self-esteem. If we're not successful, we don't feel very good about ourselves. In school, when a person isn't very successful, s/he often has low self-esteem, and therefore, leaves this setting as soon as possible. We hope they find something they can do successfully, but that is not usually the case.

I agree with Ms. Sue.

Another problem I saw in the district where I used to teach is that administrators decided that teachers needed to teach "self-esteem lessons," especially in the middle schools. What I noticed when these kids entered the high school is that they had very high (but often false) self-esteem, but not very highly developed academic knowledge and skills. These kids, too, were among our dropouts but they had a really hard time -- they couldn't figure out why they weren't passing their classes.

What an injustice to those kids! If the admins had stayed out of it and just let the teachers teach the academics, the kids in this situation would have been far better off.


Academic achievement can have a significant impact on an individual's self-esteem. When a person performs well in school and achieves good grades, it often boosts their self-confidence and sense of accomplishment. They feel proud of their efforts and abilities, and this positive feedback can contribute to a healthy self-esteem.

On the other hand, struggling academically or experiencing failure can have a negative impact on self-esteem. When students continuously perform poorly, they may develop feelings of inadequacy, shame, or low self-worth. This can create a cycle where their self-esteem is further diminished, leading to a lack of motivation or belief in their ability to succeed academically.

The impact of academic achievement on self-esteem can help explain high school drop-out rates. Students who experience persistent academic difficulties and have low self-esteem may start to believe that they are not capable of meeting the expectations of their school. This negative self-perception can lead to disengagement, lack of motivation, and eventually dropping out of high school.

Additionally, when students face challenges or obstacles in their academic journey, their self-esteem can be further affected. High school can be a demanding and competitive environment, and if students continuously struggle academically, they may feel overwhelmed and discouraged. This can result in a loss of confidence and a desire to avoid the negative feelings associated with ongoing academic challenges, leading to a decision to drop out.

It is important to note that academic achievement is just one of the many factors that contribute to self-esteem and high school drop-out rates. Other factors, such as personal circumstances, social support, mental health, and external pressures, also play a role in shaping an individual's self-perception and educational choices.