Focus of the Research Paper Select one social institution family, health-care, religion, education, mass media, political, or economic (family being my choice) as defined in the text. Using the three Sociological theories listed in chapter one of the text (Functionalism, Conflict, and Interactionism), evaluate the impact of each theory on the selected institution. In your paper address the following elements: How does each theory apply to the selected sociological institution? What are the similarities? What are the differences? How does each theory affect the views of the individual who is part of the institution? How does each theory affect the approach to social change within the selected institution? Within the Sociological institution selected, how does each theory affect the views of society? The paper must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. Must include, on the final page, a Reference List that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the approved style guide. Research must include the course text from SOCIOLOGY: A Brief Introduction (8th ed) by Richard T. Schaefer (2008)

To write a research paper on the selected social institution (family) and evaluate its impact using the three sociological theories (Functionalism, Conflict, and Interactionism), you will need to follow these steps:

1. Understand the social institution: Begin by gaining a deep understanding of the selected social institution, i.e., the family. Familiarize yourself with its definition, functions, and roles within society. Read the relevant chapters in your SOCIOLOGY: A Brief Introduction textbook by Richard T. Schaefer.

2. Understand the three sociological theories: Read the chapter in your textbook that covers the three sociological theories (Functionalism, Conflict, and Interactionism). Understand the main ideas, assumptions, and perspectives of each theory.

3. Apply each theory to the family institution: Analyze how each theory applies to the family institution. Look for examples and evidence within the text and any additional resources you gather. Consider how each theory explains the functions, structure, and dynamics of the family. Make notes on the similarities and differences between the theories in their explanations of the family.

4. Analyze the impact on individuals and society: Evaluate how each theory affects the views of individuals who are part of the family institution. Consider how each theory influences their beliefs, behaviors, and experiences within the family. Also, assess how each theory influences the approach to social change within the family institution. Finally, examine how each theory affects the broader views of society on the family institution.

5. Develop your thesis statement: Based on your analysis, craft a thesis statement that concisely summarizes the main argument or point of your research paper. Ensure that your thesis statement clearly indicates that you will be addressing the application, similarities, differences, individual views, approach to social change, and societal views for each theory within the context of the family institution.

6. Outline your paper: Create an outline to structure your research paper. Allocate separate sections for each theory, addressing the elements mentioned in the prompt: application to the family, similarities, differences, impact on individuals, impact on social change, and impact on societal views.

7. Write your paper: Start by writing an engaging introductory paragraph that introduces your topic and presents your thesis statement. Then, proceed to write separate sections for each theory, providing evidence, examples, and analysis as you address the various elements. Use critical thinking to evaluate and compare the theories' impacts on the family institution. Conclude your paper by restating your thesis statement and summarizing your main findings.

8. Format your paper: Ensure that your research paper adheres to APA style guidelines. Follow the approved style guide for formatting your paper, including citations and references. Use in-text citations whenever you refer to specific information or ideas from your textbook or any other sources. Include a properly formatted reference list on the final page of your paper.

9. Revise and proofread: Review your paper thoroughly, checking for coherence, clarity, and proper grammar. Revise any parts that need improvement and proofread your work to eliminate any errors.

Remember to use your SOCIOLOGY: A Brief Introduction textbook by Richard T. Schaefer as the primary source for your research, but also consider using additional academic sources to support your arguments and provide a comprehensive analysis. Good luck with your research paper!