They left the oven on; consequently, the roast was burnt beyond recognition.

which is it of these?

conjunctive adverb
coordinating conjunction
correlative conjunction
subordinating conjunction

Which is what?

Which word do you want to know about?

Read carefully.

In order to determine which category the word "consequently" falls into, you need to understand the different types of conjunctions and how they function in a sentence.

A coordinating conjunction, such as "and," "but," or "or," is used to connect two independent clauses or coordinate two elements within a sentence. For example, "She likes to read books, and he enjoys watching movies." In the given sentence, "consequently" does not serve this purpose.

A subordinating conjunction, on the other hand, joins a subordinate clause to a main clause, indicating the relationship between the two. For example, "I'll go to the store if it's not raining." In the given sentence, "consequently" does not introduce a dependent clause.

A correlative conjunction is a pair of words that work together to join words, phrases, or clauses of equal importance. Examples include "either...or," "neither...nor," and "both...and." In the given sentence, "consequently" does not function in this way.

Therefore, the correct answer is that "consequently" is a conjunctive adverb. This type of adverb connects two independent clauses and shows cause and effect or a logical relationship between them. Other examples of conjunctive adverbs include "therefore," "however," "in addition," and "furthermore."