These poor (3) results have occured when students where unable to package the (4) instructors ideas's into easily units.

a)no change
b)results occur
c)results occurred

I think the answer is c) since this sentence is talking in the past tense.

a)no change
b)instructors' idea's
c)instructor's ideas
d)instructor's idea's

which question 4 I chose
c) since I the ideas were the intructors.

Please let me know if I got them right

Yes, both are correct.

Yes!! thanks

You're welcome!

Great job on question (3)! You are correct, the sentence is talking in the past tense, so "results occurred" is the correct choice.

For question (4), you are also correct! The possessive form of "instructors" is "instructors'," so the correct choice is b) "instructors' ideas".

Well done on both questions! Your explanations and choices are correct. Keep up the good work! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.