Find the LCM


Would the answer be 70?

The LCM is always equal to or greater than(=>) the greatest coefficient.

In this case, the greatest coefficient
is 35. 35 will work only if it is
divisible by all of the other coefficients. 35 is not divisible by 10. Therefore, it does not meet both
requirements. So we try 2*35(70). It meets both requirements. If 70 had not
met both requirements, we would have
tried 3*35 and so on.

Thank you very much...

To find the least common multiple (LCM) of the given expressions, you need to analyze the powers of the variables (b and c) in each term.

The given expressions are:

To find the LCM, you take the least power of each variable that appears and multiply them together. In this case, you can find the least common power for:

b: min(4, 4, 9) = 4
c: min(5, 4, 3) = 3

Now, combine these least powers of b and c with the original coefficients:

LCM = (35 * 7 * 10) * b^4 * c^3
= 2450b^4c^3

Therefore, the LCM of 35b^4c^5, 7b^4c^4, and 10b^9c^3 is 2450b^4c^3, not 70.